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Morning Worship: 3rd November 2024

This morning’s worship,   which  was led by the minister, Revd Robert  Jordan, included Holy  Communion. The recording is introduced  by the duty  elder,  Liz Gibney and you  will  hear  several other  voices: the prayers of  intercession  were devised  and read by  Anne Farrow and the reading was given  by  David Bevan .   The address was given  by  Patricia and Sue, representatives of the Swindon  Street  Pastors,  one of the charities that  will be a benficiary of our  Partnership  Project  this autumn. It  was good to  hear  in detail of the valuable work  they  are doing  in the town.

Bible Reading: Mark  12: 28 -34

Music by the choir:

Introit: “What  shall  our  Greeting be?”     Music: trad.  Welsh  tune  arr. John Barnard  Words: Fred Pratt Green

Anthem: “The Peace of God be with  You”    Words and Music by Geoff Nobes  based on a Celtic Blessing

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036



Morning Worship : 27th  October  2024

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036

Our  worship  today  was conducted  by  Stuart  Benjamin  and the recording is introduced by  Don Macarthur. The other  voice you  will  hear  is that of Jenny  Powley  who reads from the Gospel of Matthew.

Bible Reading: Matthew 4: 12 – 23

Music by the Choir:

Introit:                     verses from Psalm  103                       Musical  setting: Walford Davis

Anthem:                  “Grant  us Light”                                  Words: May  Sansum       Music: Eric Thiman




Morning Worship : 20th  October 2024

Today’s worship  was  centerd  on  “Remembering  Loved  Ones”  when  we recalled  all those with  links with  Immanuel who  have departed  this life over the past year, and candles were lit  in  memory of them. The service is conducted  by the minister, Revd Robert  Jordan, and is introduced by the duty  elder,  Maria Kawonga. The Bible reading is given  by  Eddie Thomas and the prayers of intercession  were devised  and read by  John  Blakesley.

Note: There is an  extended period of music when  members of the congregation  come forward to  light  candles

Bible Reading: Matthew 5: 1- 12

Music by the choir:

Introu: “The Souls of the Righteous”     words: Wisdom III  v 1-2      music: Stanley  Marchant

Anthem: “The Lord is My  Shepherd”    words: Psalm  23                    music: Howard Goodall


Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036




Church  Constitution

Our Church  Meeting recently agreed that the church  constitution and handbook  needed to  be revised and since then  the Church  secretary  has been busy at  work updating the document.

Below is a link  that  will  lead to the revised document.

Constitution & Handbook 2024 draft


Morning Worship: 6th  October  2024


Our  harvest  service was conducted  today  by the minister, Revd Robert  Jordan, and the recording is introduced  by the duty  elder,  Anne Farrow.  Other voices you will  hear are  those  of Helen  Marson who  reads from the Letter  to the Hebrews  and David Leadbeater  who  devised  and reads the prayers of intercession. The “sermon  slot”  is a  presentation  by Kirsten  and Naomi who   explain the work of “Youth  for Christ”,  one of the two  charities we are supporting in our  annual  Harvest  Appeal.

With  Geoff Gleed  back at the organ console, Shelley on the piano  and the choir  in  full  voice it  made for a stirring act of worship.

Bible Reading: Hebrews 2: 5 – 13

Music by the choir

Introit:  “Thou  visitest the Earth”            Psalm  65      Music: Maurice Greene    Solo: Tom Hartshorn

Anthem: “All things Bright and Beautiful                             words: Mrs Alexander    Music: John Rutter

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


September 29th 2024: Morning Worship

We were grateful  to  Revd Tony  Barnes for leading our  worship  today while the minister is on his “5th Sunday  break”. The recording  is introduced by the duty  Elder,  Mike Gordon  who  also  reads the Old Testment Lesson (after a  small hiccup  at the start!) and the New Yestment  Lesson is read  by  Glenys Walker.  We are  grateful to  Shelley  Morgan  for playing  the piano  for us today.

  Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036

Bible Readings:

Exodus 24: 1 – 19

Matthew 9: 1 – 8 

Note: The choir  is still on its late summer  holiday, but  we return  to   normality  next  Sunday  with  our  celebration of Harvest

September 28th  2024

Working party  on the rear  garden : Memorial   Rose  Bed

After  installing the new Celtic Cross,  our  hard-working Buildings and Grounds Committee felt  a need  to  replace the bark  chippings  in the rose bed…a working party  was called for  and as you  see, a good response meant that  the job was done in  no time at  all: thanks all those who  turned up to  help out!


September 22nd 2024: Morning Worship

Our  service today  was led by Revd Moira Slack  from the Christ  Church  clergy  team.  We are extremely  grateful  to  her  for standing in at relatively  short  notice. The minister  was leading  worship  at  our sister  church  in  Highworth.

The recording is introduced  by the duty  elder,  Helen  Marson who  also  reads the lesson  from  the letter of James, and the reading  from  the Gospel of Mark, is read  by  Eddie Thomas.

Bible readings:

James3: 13 – 4: 3

Mark 9: 30 – 37


Note: the choir  is taking  a late summer  break but  will be back with  Geoff Gleed  on the  organ  for Harvest  Sunday on 6th  October 

  Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Sunday 15th  September 2024: Morning Worship

We are extremely  sorry  to  say that  because of a technical  hitch  this morning,  the  service, that  included  the sacrament of baptism was not  recorded.


Sunday 8th  September 2024: Morning Worship

Theme: “What  did you  say…?”

The recording of today’s service is introduced by Church  Secretary, Don  Macarthur, and our  worship  that  includes communion,  is led by the minister. The reader  of the New Testament lesson is  Mike Gordon.

Bible Reading:    Mark 7: 24 – 37

We  are grateful  to  Shelley  Morgan  for leading the music during   our  service today.

Note: For the month of September our  choir  is taking  a late summer  break




Sunday 1st  September 2024:    Morning Worship

Theme:   “To  do  or not  to do, that  is the question”

The recording  of today’s service is introduced  by the duty  elder for the day,  Steve Brain who  also  reads the New Testament  lesson  from the letter of James. The service is led by the minister Revd Robert  Jordan, and other  voices you  will hear  are those of Jean  Batten  who  reads from the book of Psalms,  and Liz Gibney  who  leads the prayers of intercession.

Note:  the service includes a time of prayer  for Health  and Wholeness  and towards the end there is an  extended period of music and quietness before the final  hymn.

Bible Readings:

Psalm  15

James 1:  17 -27

Music by the choir:

Introit: “Send O God,  your Holy Spirit”                  words: Sylvia Dunstan   Music: Richard Redhead

Anthem:  “Nunc Dimittis”                                            Setting  by  George Dyson

Soloist: Steve Brain

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036



Sunday  25th  August: Morning Worship

The recording of our  morning worship is introduced  by the duty  elder, Mike Gordon. The service is conducted by Geoff Rhodes, a Methodist lay  preacher  and member of the congregation at  Bath Road  and we are  grateful  to  him. At the organ is Geoff Gleed and the voice  you  will  hear in  the reading    is that of Janet  Leadbeater.

Bible Reading:

Isaiah 6: 1- 8

Music  by the choir:

Introit:      verses from Psalm  146                           Chant: Basil  Harwood

Anthem:  “Magnificat”                                                Setting by  George Dyson

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Sunday 18th August: Morning Worship

Today’s service was conducted  by the minister, Revd Robert  Jordan, with  Geoff Gleed on the organ. The recording is introduced by the duty elder, Anne Farrow. You  will  also  hear the voices of Wally  Knight  who  reads from the letter of Paul  to the Corinthians, and John  Blakesley  who  wrote and delivered the prayers of intercession.

Bible Reading:

1 Corinthians 1: 1 – 9

Music by the choir

Introit:   Psalm  126                Chant: Eric Ware

Anthem: “Laudate Dominum”      Music: W.A. Mozart    from the Solem  Vespers   K 339

                                                             Soloist: Linda Tindall


Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036




Sunday 11th August: Summer  Singalong

This afternoon  we were joined  by  friends from the Old Town  Partnership of Churches in a “Summer  Singalong” –  favourite songs and hymns accompanied by  organ  pianos, flute,  bass and drums! and followed by  refreshments in the church  hall.

In the recording you  will  hear  the voices of Jenny  Powley  and Jean  Batten in  readings and of course the minister, Robert  Jordan  who  leads the service.  In addition we were delighted to have our  old friend Maria Sofroniou who  delighted  us with two  solos.

As a result of the collection during the service and other  donations received,  just  under  £375 will be added  to the funds of the Partnership Project .


“We  need  each other’s voice to  sing”           Thomas H Troeger

Psalm  150


“Gia il  sole dal  Gange…”                                  Music: Alessandro  Scarlatti

“Hugh’s Song of the Road”                               Music: Ralph  Vaughan  Williams  Words: Harold Child

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036

Sunday  11th  August 2024: Morning Worship

Our  worship today  that  included communion,  was led by the minister, Robert  Jordan, and the recording is introduced by  churc h scerteray, Don Macarthur. The other  voice you  will hear is that of Pam Western  who  read  from the Gospel of John.

Note: these was no  choir  this morning as they  would be leading the singing in the afternoon  Singalong! (see above)

Bible Reading: John 6: 35, 41-51

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036





Sunday 4th  August  2024: Morning Worship 

Morning worship at  Immanuel  today  was conducted by the minister, Revd Robert  Jordan. The recording is introduced by the duty  elder, June Smythe,   and other  voices you  will  hear  are those of Edith Watson,  who  reads the lesson  from  the Letter  to the Ephesians, and David Leadbeater  who  devised  and read the prayers of intercession.

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4: 1 – 16

Music by the choir:

Introit: “Stand up  and Bless the Lord”     Words: J Montgomery              Music:  C Lockhart

Anthem: “Lead  Me Lord”                            Words from  Psalms 5 and 4    Music: S S Wesley

Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Sunday 28th July  2024: Morning Worship

With  our  minister  preaching  elsewhere today,  we were delighted  to  welcome once again to our  pulpit,  an old friend, Bryan  Elkington,  of our  sister  church in  Highworth.  The Recording  is introduced  by the duty  elder, Maria Kawonga,  and the other  voice  you  will hear is that of David Bevan who reads both  Bible lessons.

Bible Readings:

Ephesians 3: 14 – 22

Matthew 6 : 5- 13


Music  by the choir:

Introit:     “Let  All the World in  every  Corner  Sing”   words: George Herbert   music:    Basil Harwood

Anthem:  “Rejoice the Lord is King”                                 words: Charles Wesley   music:    Malcolm Archer


Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Sunday 21st  July  2024: Morning Worship

Today’s service was conducted  by the minister and included the sacrament of infant  baptism when a fourth  generation of the same family was brought to the font to  be baptised:  Maddison Ruggles: and it  was with  joy that  great grandma Pam  Western read  a beautiful blessing.  The recording is introduced  by  the duty  elder, Anne Farrow and other  voices you  will hear  are those of Jenny  Powley  who reads the Bible lesson  from the letter  to the   Ephesians, and David Leadbeater  who  devised and reads the prayers of intercession.

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2: 11- 22

Music by the choir:

Introit:                                  “Sanctus”        setting by  Basil Harwood

Anthem:              “Jesu , Joy of Man’s Desiring”   words: Martin Jahn           music: J S Bach

 Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Saturday 20th  July 2024: Garden  Party at Immanuel

As part of the Old Town  Partnership of Churches, Immanuel is undertaking  a project this year  to  raise funds for two  charities based in  Swindon.: “Youth  for Christ” and ” Street Pastors”.     Although most of the funds will be raised via our  Harvest Appeal  later this year,  our  hard-working Worship and Outreach  committee  organised a wonderful  Garden  Party  on the church  lawns….a great  day  ensued when  much  fun  was had  by all.  And in the end,  in  excess of £1400 will be heading  to the joint funds of the Partnership for the two  charities!



Sunday 14th  July  2024: Morning Worship

Our  service today  including communion, was conducted by former  minister of Immanuel. Revd Dr  Martin  Camroux who  was visiting with his wife Margaret. The recording is introduced by  the duty  elder, Liz Gibney, who  also devised and reads the prayers of intercession during the service.  Other voices you  will  hear  are those of Pam  Western  who  reads the two  Old Testament  Lessons,  and Steve Brain  who  reads from the Gospel of Luke.

Bible Readings:

Genesis  17: 15 – 19a

Jeremiah 22: 13 – 16

Luke 10: 25 – 37

Music by the Choir

 Introit:                  “Jubilate Deo”                   setting  from  Taizé

Anthem:              “Ave Verum                         setting by  Sir Edward Elgar


 Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036


Sunday  7th  July : Morning Worship

We are grateful  to  Revd Moira Slack  of the Christ Church  team who  led  our  worship  this morning while the minister is away.  Other  voices you  will hear in the recording are those Ceri  Bevan  who, as duty elder,  introduces the recording, Geoff Gleed  who  adds an  additional  notice, Jean  Batten who  reads the Bible Lessons for the day,  and Wally  Knight  who  leads the prayers on Intercession.

Bible Readings:

2 Corinthians 12 : 2- 16

Mark 6 : 1 – 13


Music  by the choir:

Introit: “What  shall our Greeting be?”   words: Fred Pratt Green                               music: John Barnard

Anthem: Psalm  121   music setting by  Walford Davies


Words and music are reproduced under Immanuel’s copyright  licence: CCLI 547036
























