Who We Are

The Congregation


The Minister

Minister - Rev Robert Jordan

The Revd. Robert Jordan M.A. has been Immanuel’s minister since April 2010. He was born in Argentina and spent most of his life there (apart from  a period of study in Scotland) and is bi-lingual in English/ Spanish.





Church Secretary


Our Church Secretary is Don  Macarthur who  was appointed  at the church  Annual  General  meeting last April. He has a watching brief that  ensures the smooth -running of the church




Church Treasurer



Our Treasurer isSue Goodall, who, with a dedicated finance team, works to keep our accounts in order by setting budgets, paying bills, and generally keeping a tight rein on our expenditure.





The Elders

The elders meet with the minister every month and as trustees have  oversight of the church – its worship, pastoral care, finances, outreach, as well as day-to-day matters covering maintenance and cleaning. They work in conjunction with other church committees (Buildings and Grounds, Finance,  World Concerns, Outreach and Worship).

Organist and Choirmaster


For more than  fifty  years  Revd Geoff Gleed  has been Immanuel’s organist and choirmaster  (see Music at Immanuel).
