What’s On

Access to the Church buildings

The number of users of our premises is increasing,  so if you are planning to ‘pop in’  for whatever reason, it may be useful to check that  the room you want to enter is available. Here are  charts  showing both the regular and ‘ad hoc’ bookings:


Immanuel Regular Bookings 2023

Ad Hoc Bookings Aug 2024 (2)


A Summer Singalong Songs of Praise on

Sunday 11th August at 4pm at Immanuel Church

Come along and enjoy singing some favourite hymns to the accompaniment of organ, two pianos, flute, drums and bass guitar.

Followed by light refreshments in the Hall.

Further information from Liz Gleed: 07768120364


A Garden Party on Saturday 14th September from 2pm-5pm at The Gables, Medbourne Lane, Liddington, SN4 0EY Homemade cakes. Fairtrade refreshments.  Waiter service.  Dog friendly. 

Further information from Barbara Aftelak barbaraaftelak@gmail.com  0776 997 3015


Please make a note of all these dates and do go along to support if you possibly can. They will be FUN and a chance to meet friends old and new.



























